On Physiological Appearance
To Study the effect of genetics on physical appearances, Children of many varied races were compared with their parents which determine physical appearances.

On Intelligence

Having experience upon Negroes and White Soldiers in Connection with their intelligence, Yerkes Concluded that due to genetics, there is a different of intelligence between the two scientist have pointed out that the Negroes are always at a disadvantage in tests designed specially for the whites. Intelligence tests developed for one group do not Suit other.

On personality

It is indisputable that genetics determines the difference of Sex and on this basis Some Scientist Contends that genetics determines personality because it is the difference of sex which determines the personality of men and women , People, in general , believe in a fundamental difference in the personality of man and woman due to the difference in sex. Thus, the qualities of patience and emotion are attributed to a woman and she is called the very picture of love and affection.


Environment has a very significant effect on man . Its effects Starts from his birth and continues almost till his very death. The status of child , youth and old man in the family and Society  is not the same and as a result of this is difference, a man's personality, role temperaments, way of thinking tendencies, inclinations and characters is affected. In the same way , the status of person his place like school, office, occupations atc. affects his role to a great extent. Environment can be roughly divided into two parts - Controlled and uncontrolled environment and social and geographical environment. In both the social and.geographical environment of man, a part of them is controlled. Both these types of social and geographical environments have a profound effect upon the individual.


The various parts of society like the family, school, occupation, social customs and primitive concepts, all affect the individual. In this context one eg. from family life will suffice. In the opinion of the famous psychoanalyst. Sigmund Freud, the personality of a person is fashioned in the first seven years, the rest of the life being an expression of those tendencies. Whether all thinkers agree with freud's opinion or not all have agreed with regard to the effect of the environment on the family upon the character, nature, mental tendencies, habits and behaviors of the individual and there all enough existing causes while justify family's influence upon the individual. This special knowledge can be gained by comparing children brought up in families and those bread
in government institutions. Thus, both genetics and environment are important for the education of child. Both must be improved to realise all-round development of personality while the family provides the heredity, the school may provide such environment and many help in maximum utilisation of genetic traits.

Heredity -

According to R.S Woodworth - “ Heredity Covers all the factor that are presented in the individual when he begins life not at birth, but at the time of conception about nine months before birth “
Every child comes into the world with certain physical and mental characteristics which he got from his parents and ancestors.
He bron with a body and mind which developed from fertilized ovum, limbs and mind which developed from fertilized ovum, limbs and organs grow from the same.
Thus on account of heredity, the little ones of each animal resembles it for example:
Cat       -  kitten
Dog     -  puppy
Human  - Human
Heredity refers to biological mechanism as a result of which a child receives the traits and characteristics of his ancestors and race through the transmission of particular genes to him by his immediate parents at the time of his conception in the womb of his mother.


Environment consists of external forces, which influence the growth and development of an individual right from his conception. Before birth the mother’s womb is the place where these force play their part. Nutrition is received by the embryo through the blood stream of the mother. Different environmental force have a desirable impact upon the physical, Social, emotional intellectual, moral and aesthetic development of an individual.

Effect of Environment

Environment has a very significant effect on man. Its effect starts from his birth and continues almost till his very death youth. The status of the child, youth and old man in the family and society is not the same and as a result of this difference a man’s personality, role, temperaments ways of thinking tendencies indications and character is affected. In the same way the status of the person in place like school office, occupation, etc. affects his role to a great extent.

Environment can be roughly divided into  two parts-

Controlled and uncontrolled environment and social and geographical environment. The social and geographical environment of man a part of them is controlled and the other part is not controlled. Both these types of social and geographical environment. The social and geographical environment of man a part of them is controlled and the other part is not controlled. Both these types of social and geographical environment have a profound effect upon the individual.

Relation between Genetics and Environment  

In fact both genetics and environment are important.-Mac Iver and Page have said very correctly “ Every phenomena of life is the product of both. Each determines the character of  life is the product of both. Each determines the character of the individual. Neither can ever be eliminated nor can ever be isolated “

Experiments relating to heredity have proved that is not the sole factor which determines development of personality human beings. And similarly, experiments conducted in the field of environment also indicate that is not the only factor influencing personality.

In Altenberg’s words - “ Each trait request both heredity and environment for its development contribution of Heredity and Environment in Growth and Development.

(1) Physical Growth and development

Height, bodily frames and structure of bodily organs are determined by growth potentials in the genes, the structure of the nervous system also is probably determined genetically.The  limit of sensory motor development are set genetically and these limits vary widely. thus, the great differences in the motor skills and athletic abilities of children, youth and adults are caused largely by heredity. All hereditary influences can be distorted by abnormal on good nutrition are essential. Deficiencies and deprivation inflict huge penalties on the human body.  

(2) Mental Growth and Development
The evidence indicates that children are born with a very wide range of general mental potential and with different potentialities for music, painting the other arts, public speaking and so forth for which limits are set genetically. Good environment is needed for developing abilities levels close to capacity levels.

(3) Mental and Emotional Health and Personality

People seems to be born with physical structures-nervous system, glands and organs on which emotional stability depends and they differ. If children are raised in a healthful home where the blood or foster parents live in love and harmony and are kind and supportive to the children there is a higher greatly in their potential stability as a result that is some people are much more disposed by heredity to mental instability than other probability that the children will have good personality development. In protective environments, fewer of the unstable in the population will become mentally and emotionally ill then in several and insulting environment.

(4) In attitudes , Beliefs and Values

Position in life depends a great deal on capacities, which are set to considerables, which are set to considerable extent by inheritance. Attitudes, beliefs and values develop large from the culture into which one is born and are influenced greatly by ego, or personal involvement.

All these are the contribution heredity and environment in growth and development.


  1. The supposition,that a particular trail in an individual is exclusive the product of his heredity or environment, does not hold any ground. The individual's personality is  the product of both heredity and environmental factors in this connection, Mc Iver and Page have said very correctly that “ Every phenomenon of life is the product of both . Each is as necessary to the result as the other. Neither can ever by eliminated and neither can ever be isolated.”
whatever character or, trait we consider, it require both heredity and development for its development.

(2) The controversial argument regarding the relative importance of heredity is more important than environment or Vice-Versa is same like asking whether seed  or soil is more important than environment or Vice-Versa is same like asking whether seed or soil is more important for the proper development of a plant. The seed and the soil do not work independently, but are, mutually dependent. The seed has the power to grow into a certain kind of plant but how well it grow depends on what soil it gets. The plant cannot grow without either the send or the soil. its need both. we cannot do away with either of them. It is also useless to say that one of them contributes more in the proper, development of the plant.

In the similar way, it is hard to make any statement in favour of either heredity or environment in the process of development of an organism. Both are equally important and indispensable. Also, it is wrong to assume that they are opposed to each other.They are complementary and support each other.

(3) In judging the relation the relationship between heredity and environment, it can now be said that it is absurd to make such statements as heredity or environment the ‘ either’ and ‘or’ relationship between these two terms does not exist.It is always heredity and environment. The personality of an individual is not just the sum total of his heredity and environment.

They further, declare that an individual is the joint product of his heredity and environment just like the area of a rectangle is the joint product of its length and breadth.

In this way, like the bases of a rectangle, heredity provides us the structure on which with the help of favorable environment, desired construction  can be made. The native power and energies of an individual, like the seed lie in the heredity but it is up to environment to extract theses energies and make them able to reach maximum limits.

(4) As a gift from heredity, we get our working capital but it is the environment which gives us the opportunity to invest it the capital as well as the opportunities for its proper development are essential for the proper success in the business. There are instances where individuals starting with a very meager amount have been able to earn in millions.

therefore, it extreme view of hereditarian like Galton Thus far shall thou go no further ‘ is not correct.

However, if we take it for granted, the even ‘ thus far’ we can’t go without the cooperation of environment.”

If the environment cannot .help as in growing beyond the limits determined by heredity, at least give us enormous assistance within those limits. how far can a rubber band be stretched depends upon the nature of the raw material used be stretched depend the nature of the raw material used in it. It can be stretched to the maximum limit but stretching even up to this limit will depend upon the strength of the individual who pulls it and the favorable or unfavorable circumstance at the time of pulling.

Therefore, it is the duty of the teacher and present to see that every child get maximum opportunity for his development . It is true that nothing entirely foreign to one's nature can be acquired. From a tree of cactus, mangoes cannot be growth. But to have fine mangoes out of the seed, which heredity has provided, we must be careful like a wise gardener who provides proper manure and be careful like a wise gardener who provides proper manure and water to his plants and care for their well-beings and safety as he can like him we teacher cannot arrange for the selected seeds and plantation. Heredity factor is out of our control. But environmental influences can be controlled to a great extent with proper environment the native powers which may be dormant are awakened and stimulated to activity. Every child is able to explore his maximum abilities only when he is provided with appropriate opportunities for growth and development.


1) The Influence of Heredity and Environment
2) Physical Motor Development and Characters of Different Stages



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